Super Extreme DUI Attorney Phoenix
When Does DUI Become a Super Extreme DUI?
Being criminally charged with a DUI in the state of Arizona is not simply as simple as blowing over a 0.08 BAC. In fact, the state has outlined several aggravating factors in which the criminal charge is elevated due to an abnormally high blood alcohol concentration. For example, if a defendant has tested for a BAC over 0.15 and under 0.20, they are eligible to be charged with an extreme DUI.
What if, however, their BAC is over 0.20? This is legally considered as super extreme DUI and it carries with it harsh penalties.
Super Extreme DUI Penalties in Arizona
According to 28-1382 of the 2010 Arizona Code, being in physical control of a motor vehicle while possessing a blood alcohol concentration of over 0.20, is punishable by:
- Minimum of 45 days in jail
- Fines of at least $3,200
- Community service
- Installation of ignition interlock device for an extended period
- 90-day driver's license suspension
- Probation
Defending Against a Super Extreme DUI in Phoenix, Arizona
When you are facing criminal charges of this nature, you simply do not have the luxury of wasting your time. These charges are serious and have serious ramifications. You need to ensure that you have a DUI attorney on your side who will be willing to put in the time and elbow grease to build the strongest case possible.
Regardless of whether they are seeking to combat the results of a breath test, or contesting the police stop or whether they believe that the blood test was contaminated, there are countless factors that can be utilized to build a strong defense to help defend your legal rights.
Tenacious Defense for Your DUI
Knowles Law Firm, PLC strongly believes that success often lies in the details and they are therefore unwaveringly devoted to ensuring that their clients receive the support and guidance that they deserve. Should you choose to work with a Phoenix DUI lawyer from their firm, you can breathe easier knowing that they will be on your side every step of the way to help you obtain the just outcome.
The firm does not believe that "good enough" will cut it. They know how much rests on the outcome of your case and will therefore fight tooth and nail to help you defend your freedom. A criminal charge will rest heavily on your future - you simply cannot be flippant when so much is at stake.
Call (602) 702-5431 for a free and private consultation today!

Case Victories
Always Striving For the Best Possible Outcome
Dropped to Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct Aggravated Assault
Probation with no jail time Aggravated Assault
Charge Reduced to a Misdemeanor Aggravated Assault
Charge Reduced to a Misdemeanor Aggravated Assault
Dismissed Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Client Stories
Reviews From Past Clients
- Thomas Mello
- Former Client
- Former Client
- Former client
- Former Client
- Thomas Mello
- Former Client
- Former Client