Aggressive & Effective Attorneys

Disorderly Conduct

Disorderly Conduct in Arizona

Disorderly Conduct Lawyer Phoenix, AZ

According to ARS §13-2904, disorderly conduct occurs when an individual had intent to disturb the peace or a family, neighbor, or person. Or at the very least, he/she must have an awareness of the disruption.

Any of the following can be considered disturbing the peace:

  • Unreasonable noise
  • Fighting or other violent behavior
  • Behavior that attempts to disrupt business
  • Recklessly handling or displaying a deadly weapon or deadly instrument
  • Refusal to leave the scene of a dangerous area when ordered by a law enforcement officer
  • Provoking a fight or attempting to provoke a fight using abusive language or offensive gestures

Also known as “disturbing the peace,” a charge of disorderly conduct is up to the discretion of law enforcement to decide whether an individual’s actions are criminal. This is what makes the charge so subjective, and why it is one of the most common misdemeanor charges.

Although subjective, disorderly conduct is not a charge that should be taken lightly. If you are convicted, you risk several consequences that come with a criminal record, including difficulty finding employment, getting approved for loans, and more. Don’t let this happen to you. An aggressive Phoenix disorderly conduct lawyer at Knowles Law Firm, PLC stands ready to review your case and defend your rights.

Contact us online or call (602) 702-5431 to request your free consultation with a Phoenix disorderly conduct attorney at Knowles Law Firm, PLC!

Penalties for Disorderly Conduct in Arizona

Most disorderly conduct charges are Class I misdemeanors in Arizona. A Class I misdemeanor is the most serious type of misdemeanor with which you can be charged – a conviction can come with a number of penalties, including community service, probation, fines of up to $2,500 and up to six months in county jail.

Disorderly conduct / disturbing the peace can be considered a felony if it involves a deadly weapon. Wielding or recklessly handling a firearm or other deadly weapon is punishable by even more serious fines, up to one year in prison, probation, and a forfeiture of your right to own or possess a firearm.

Defense for Disturbing the Peace Charges

If you are facing criminal charges for disturbing the peace, there is no time to waste in securing experienced legal representation. An attorney can work immediately to review your case for evidence, and create an effective defense.

Some of the possible defense that can weaken the prosecution's case includes:

  • Lack of evidence demonstrating disorderly conduct
  • Violation of rights, such as your right to free speech or right to assemble
  • Justification defense that argues you were acting in self-defense if you were being provoked

Knowles Law Firm, PLC has decades of combined experience fighting to protect the rights and freedoms of the accused, and have a record of successful case results and positive client reviews.

To get started with a free case evaluation from a Phoenix disorderly conduct lawyer at our firm, please call (602) 702-5431.

Assault-Domestic Violence, Disorderly Conduct Dismissed
Client charged with Assault-Domestic Violence, Disorderly Conduct


Criminal Defense

  • Aggravated Assault Dropped to Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct
  • Aggravated Assault Charge Reduced to a Misdemeanor
  • Aggravated Assault Charge Reduced to a Misdemeanor
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