Phoenix Aggravated Assault Lawyer
The Defense You Need for Elevated Charges
Assault is generally defined as the act of putting an individual (or individuals) in fear of harm by use of threat of force or actual force, harming (physically) the individual(s) involved or even simply physically touching an individual with the intent to cause harm or injury to that person.
When an assault crime becomes aggravated, it can be because of the alleged use of a deadly or dangerous weapon. If you are facing aggravated assault charges in Phoenix, it is in your best interests to speak immediately with a Phoenix aggravated assault attorney at Knowles Law Firm, PLC to discuss your defense.
About Aggravated Assault - Understanding the Charge
Criminal charges relating to aggravated assault, also commonly referred to as assault with a deadly weapon (ADW) are considerably more serious than simple assault. Pursuant to §13-1204 if Arizona Criminal Code, aggravated assault can be considered a class 3 felony, class 4 felony, class 5 felony or even a class 6 felony depending on the circumstances of the arrest.
The most prominent aspect of a criminal case of this nature is that it involves the use of a deadly weapon. A deadly weapon, however, doesn't necessary have to be a gun or other firearm although that is the first thing that comes to most people's mind. A deadly weapon can be simply a dangerous object or instrument, such as a baseball bat, pipe, hammer, kitchen knife, sharp glass or other similar object.
Aggravated assault also is not only what happens when assault is carried out with the use of a deadly weapon. There are actually several different situations in which a simple assault charge can be elevated due to aggravating factors.
Other situations that might result in aggravated assault charges against you could be the following:
- If the assault caused serious physical injury ;
- If the assault was committed after breaking and entering;
- If an adult commits the assault on a child;
- If the assault is committed while the victim is restrained or unable to resist;
- If the assault results in disfigurement; and
- If the assault results in damage to an organ or broken bone(s)
Phoenix Aggravated Assault Lawyer Anthony Knowles
No matter what the circumstances of your case are, you need to take action to protect yourself and your rights. These criminal charges are serious and can result in penalties such as incarceration, monetary fines, mandatory community service hours and even the possibility of probation. This is not something that should be taken lightly and it's important that you take immediate legal action to protect yourself.
Knowles Law Firm, PLC, is fully prepared to offer you the defense that you need when you are facing serious charges. Incarceration and fines can cause extreme stress on you and your family. You need to protect your freedom by speaking with an attorney if you are facing aggravated assault charges. By working with their legal team, you will be able to rest easier knowing that you will have a heavyweight in your corner that is fully prepared to go the distance for you.
Contact a Phoenix aggravated assault lawyer at our firm today to schedule your case review. Call (602) 702-5431 or use our online contact form!

Case Victories
Always Striving For the Best Possible Outcome
Dropped to Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct Aggravated Assault
Probation with no jail time Aggravated Assault
Charge Reduced to a Misdemeanor Aggravated Assault
Charge Reduced to a Misdemeanor Aggravated Assault
Dismissed Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon

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- Thomas Mello
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- Former client
- Former Client
- Thomas Mello
- Former Client
- Former Client