Labor Day weekend is usually a three-day break from work at the office,
it is a time in which families and friends come together to celebrate
life and enjoy each other’s company. Unfortunately as with any holiday,
traffic increases significantly, and often times so does the alcohol intake.
As a result of this combination,
car accidents are prone to happen, and unfortunately can have deadly results. The Department
of Public Safety reported that just this past weekend, there were a total
of four fatal accidents on the Arizona highways, leaving 6 victims dead
and many others seriously injured.
One of the major crashes occurred on Friday night, the crash involved six
cars total on Interstate 19, and one person was killed as a result. It
is said that Luis Valles, who was driving a
motorcycle without a helmet, was hit in this collision and died instantly on impact.
The remaining three crashes happened throughout Saturday, one of them
killed an 18-year-old passenger after their car rolled multiple times
of the highway, and the causes for the crash are still unknown. The remaining
deaths occurred from drivers losing control of their vehicles for different
reasons and crashing into trees.
These deaths are tragic, and in the event a person was injured or killed
as a result of another driver’s negligence on the road, a person
or family has the right to take legal action to receive compensation for
their losses. If you or someone you know has been involved in a motorcycle
or car accident, don’t wait another moment to contact an attorney
who can represent you before the court. Call
Knowles Law Firm today for information and a free case evaluation; we want to fight for
you in court!