Mumbai, a state in the country of India, is known for their extremely high
number of stray dogs on the street. Not to mention the extremely poor
living arrangements for many of the people, the dogs roam freely without
homes, and often without training. According to the latest reports, there
are over 150,000 of these stray dogs wandering the streets of Mumbai,
and as a result reports of around 200
dog bites on a daily average are taking place. Thankfully for the people, the government
is starting to realize this all too common occurrence and is seeking to
implement proper sterilization and vaccinations within their animal community.
Due to the increase of these vaccinations, India is reporting fewer deaths
that have been caused by the stray dog attacks. Studies also show that
in the time period from now since 2001, there has been a reported total
of 650,000 dog bites, the average having increasingly increased since
2007 for no obvious reasons. In the United States, we thankfully don’t
see this high of a number of dog bites daily; and yet they are still all
too common. Pets are a joyful addition to any family, and a dog can truly
become man’s best friend.
Unfortunately, many owners still don’t take the proper precautions
in order to see to it that their dogs are properly secured from passerby,
or that they can’t wiggle their way out of a leash in order to attack
another person. Owners around the country will attest that their home
pets are the kindest on the planet, though many times those are the dogs
that attack victims when left unchecked. If you or someone you know has
been a victim of a dog bite or attack, don’t wait another moment
to take action. Contact
Knowles Law Firm today for more information!